Several Updates – New Host Coming?

  • Skinbox has been updated. With the new version, players can now create up to three “sets” of predefined skins. Players can then quick apply one of these sets to their inventory items. Each set can only have one skin per item in it. In other words, you can set two different skins for rocket launchers in the same set. However, you can have a different rocket launcher skins in each of the three sets. NOTE: If you have multiple stacks of an item in your inventory, only one stack will get skinned. To skin the other stacks, you will have to click apply once for each stack.
  • TruePVE has been updated. This is the core plugin that really defines the server as PvE. While several bug fixes are included with the update and it has undergone testing on our test server, there is always a possibility that new issues can crop up. So please inform us if you notice any issues by making a ticket on our Discord in #admin-help. Be sure to include as much info as possible (what you were doing and what happened).
  • Chest stacking is officially back. While chest stacking has been back for a little bit unofficially, we can announce that stacking is back officially now. Players should be able to stack chests up to 3 high (don’t forget you have to right click to stack chests 2 and 3).

If you keep up-to-date on our Discord, you know that we are looking at moving to another provider that can offer us better performance. We hope to bring up a mirror of our current server tomorrow evening and will run it for ~24 hours. If all goes good, we will be moving to the new host by next Tuesday the 28th. While we don’t like to move mid-wipe, we may have to do it this way to avoid double hosting fees next month. More info will be posted in our Discord as it becomes available.