Change Log

Changes to server settings are listed here. This does not include updates from FacePunch.

  • Item Retriever Update and Building Workbench
    Item Retriever has been updated. This ‘should’ fix the issues with weapons not reloading correct (or any) ammo from the backpack plugin. Building workbench has been added. We are going to be watching the load it creates and may have to remove it later. But for now, you should be able to access your workbench … Continue reading “Item Retriever Update and Building Workbench”
  • Convoy Is Back!
    Convoy FINALLY received it’s needed update and is back! Our work on it’s config was paused during this time. However, now that the event is back live, we can continue work on fine tuning it. Please let us know if you see anything not working right on our Discord in #admin-help.
  • Arena events are back
    The PVP Arena events are back including Chopper Survival. We are still waiting on an update for Convoy from the author.
  • NTeleport Updated
    NTeleport has been updated to support teleporting from inside a god rock. You can also now set a /home inside one.
  • Convoy Disabled Temporarily
    The Convoy Event has been temporarily disabled due to an error in the plugin that keeps causing the convoy to get stuck. Once the author has released an update, the event will return.