Half the year is already gone. I don’t know about you, but I’d love to know where it went!
This month, Facepunch has released bikes to Rust. These can be found at various monuments. There are two manual bikes (standard bicycle and a tricycle) and two motor bikes (standard and with sidecar). We also expect (hope) these will be loaded to vehicle licenses soon.
Facepunch also introduced changes to vending machines. Mainly the new dynamic pricing on NPC vending machines. However, it also appears that these changes caused issues with several of the machines at our combined Outpost. As such, we have reverted back to a separate Outpost and Bandit Camp for this wipe. We will look at options for mid-month wipe and hopefully bring back a combined Outpost.
As always, if you experience any problems, please let us know in #admin-help on our Discord.